Event Registration

Supporting Positive Behavior and Independence in Your Teen/Adult with Down Syndrome
03/31/2025 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM ET


  • Free


Waiver Statement:

Community Agreements

Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan (DSAWM) programming is meant to be a safe space and positive experience for all participating and non-participating attendees, volunteers, and staff. To maintain these expectations, we are including community agreements in all event registrations that will need to be reviewed and signed by all programming attendees and volunteers. Failure to adhere to the community agreements will result in being removed from the session of the program. Repeated failures (three strikes) will result in removal from programming entirely.

  • I will remain positive and upbeat while attending programming. If I feel I cannot maintain a positive attitude, I will excuse myself to a location where I can collect myself or leave programming altogether to maintain a positive experience for the group.
  • I will follow instructions from the programming staff to maintain my safety and the safety of others around me. If I am having a difficult time following instructions, I will ask the programming staff for more clarification.
  • I will use kind words and calm voices when interacting with attendees, volunteers, and the programming staff. If I am having a conflict with another attendee, I will notify the programming staff so that the issue may be mediated quickly and calmly. If the issue cannot be resolved, I may be asked to leave the current programming session to maintain a positive experience for the group.
  • I will remember to adjust my expectations of others’ conduct based on their disability(ties), whether apparent or not. I understand that as an attendee of DSAWM programming I will encounter others who have disabilities which may affect their cognition, understanding, and recognition of what may or may not be appropriate conduct. I will be sure to adjust my expectations to the best of my ability to maintain a positive experience for those I interact with and those around me.
  • I understand that any fighting, yelling, or aggressive behavior will result in immediate removal from the program I am attending. Three such incidents will result in removal from all DSAWM programming.

The DSAWM Community Agreements is applicable to all participating and non-participating attendees, staff, and volunteers. Attendees are defined here as DSAWM members, non-members, parents, caregivers, and guests.

Please indicate below that you agree to adhere to DSAWM's Community Agreements while at DSAWM programming.

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